Rimming Sugar - 1 lb pouch -CASE OF 18

Rimming Sugar - 1 lb pouch -CASE OF 18


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  • Regular price $160.32 Sale price $76.32
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  • Save $84
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Rimming Sugar puts the finishing touch on margaritas, daiquiris, and other cocktails. A well-rimmed glass adds both a great presentation and a sweet taste and texture to the drinks you serve. That makes your customers happy and leads to better revenue. We offer our rimming sugars in a variety of colors, all sold in 1 pound pouches. Colors include blue, green apple, gold, orange mango, purple grape, pink, red pomegranate, red, red cranberry, red raspberry, red strawberry, red watermelon, yellow banana, yellow lemon, and yellow pineapple. Sold 18 packs of sugar per case.

*Please Note, this product is only available in the United States.


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