BarConic  Beer Mug 11oz - CASE OF 12

BarConic Beer Mug 11oz - CASE OF 12


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  • Regular price $49.92 Sale price $13.08
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  • Save $36.84
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Raise a mug to savings with the BarConic® 11 ounce Beer Mug. Packed 12 to a case these mugs are the same high quality as you'd come to expect from names like Anchor Hocking or Libbey at a fraction of the cost. Pub quality glass with an integrated handle. This smaller beer mug is also known as a Glass Stein, Pub Glass, or Sports Mug. Dishwasher safe. Reinforced and rigid design holds up to the daily abuse of bar life. Once you've used BarConic® beer mugs you'll never pay for the national brands again!
*This glass measures 11.90oz / 352ml when filled to the RIM.

Mug Dimensions:
Height: 5 inches
Top Diameter: 2.75 inches
Bottom Diameter: 2.5 inches

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