BarConic Stainless Steel Nutmeg Grater - CASE OF 30

BarConic Stainless Steel Nutmeg Grater - CASE OF 30


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  • Regular price $186.30 Sale price $133.50
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This nutmeg grater is another must have tool for any bar or kitchen.  Our BarConic® Nutmeg Grater is made of stainless steel and great for grating fresh nutmeg to use in your signature cocktails, for baking, or for adding flavor to any sweet dish. It also features a removable bottom piece that has a storage compartment for whole nutmeg. This elegant nutmeg grater can also be used for grating ginger, garlic, chocolate, cheese, and citrus.

Ideal for grating nutmeg, ginger, cheese, chocolate, spice, and citrus
Made of stainless steel
Features a removable nutmeg storage compartment
Measure: 5.5” long
Hand wash recommended

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