BarConic Muddler Bar Spoon - 40cm - CASE OF 60

BarConic Muddler Bar Spoon - 40cm - CASE OF 60


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  • Regular price $461.40 Sale price $275.40
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Bar Spoons are one of the oldest tools in professional bartending and is still a much needed item today. Not all drinks need to be shaken and it's important to know when to stir a cocktail. For those times you need to stir a cocktail instead of shaking not just any spoon will do for the job.

The BarConic® Muddler Bar Spoon is available in either 40cm or 50cm lengths making it a great bar tool for busy bartenders to stir their craft cocktails. Not all drinks need to be shaken and it's important to know when to stir a cocktail. For those times you need to stir a cocktail instead of shaking not just any spoon will do for the job. This bar spoon in particular is made of strong stainless steel with a twisted stem for an elegant look with better grip and a smooth stir behind the bar. This particular bar spoon features a muddler combined with the spoon so you can spend less time looking for stray bar tools and more time making fantastic craft cocktails! It's the perfect 2-in-1 bar tool for muddling and stirring craft cocktails.

A high quality bar spoon is a must have for both professional and novice bartenders alike due to its adaptability and versatility. The stylish and attractive design of these bar spoons coupled with their high performance make them a great addition to any collection of bar tools.

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